First and foremost - for all you moon lovers seeking all the things.
I read an article earlier on this specific New Moon holding Tragedy.
Maybe you’ve seen it. Hopefully not.
#SorryNotSorry but this is TRASH.
The world needs honesty spread with love & service -
not a depressing aspect to add to a depressing time.
So if you want truth meets tangible intention
to ignite the flame within to dispel this fear,
keep following along.
New Moon in Taurus peaks at 9:25pm CST 4/22/2020.
What we really see here is the opportunity for enhancing our futures.
Everything about this New Moon is YOU making the space for the desires you hold & forcing yourself to look both in your outward scope as well as inward.
We are literally being FORCED by this Pandemic to stay home, question our values & morals, combined now with the energy of this New Moon, now to THINK about what we desire,
which breeds creation - which we need more of to heal
& come out stronger!!!
[umm, creation = the OPPOSITE of destruction]
This darkness that is brought by the New Moon serves to draw us within. We are being asked to fantasize about where we wish to be, but also to face within and make friends with our shadows too.
Sitting with your shadows is all about acknowledging your deepest fears, darkest thoughts & most intense, potentially “negative” realizations. It is acknowledging what is the root of your fear or anxiety.
[…… Healing fear, another aspect of shifting this chaos]
So as you read this, I hope you ask yourself -
Am I happy with my surroundings?
Am I living my potential?
Am I serving my purpose?
Am I giving myself my best?
What am I capable of?
What am I really afraid of here?
Rip your fears straight to the surface - this can be painful - but is beyond worth the transmutation of energy & beauty in the exposed.
From this you can remove their grip.
Am I proud of the morals I know to be true?
What changes am I ready to make?
What am I leaving behind to make room for my best self & best life?
Hold onto this vision of you in your best life.
Breathe it in. Feel it. Taste it. Experience it in your mind’s eye.
Hold that vibration & put that out to the Universe -
watch how fast it comes back.
Just like the Moon goes through its own phases,
we all ebb and flow through cycles of change.
Uranus, the planet of change is very active under this New Moon. Uranus likes to awaken us, but its presence, especially to the unaware, can also feel daunting and chaotic. Uranus, tearing things down & destructing to make way for new… but we also have Saturn active too. If Uranus is about shaking things up, Saturn is about keeping things the same and honoring tradition, which may give you this pull of wishing things would just go back to the way they were. These opposite energies are potentially going to stir this duality within us, but we may also see it playing out on the grand stage of the World.
So here comes your next question:
Do we want to go back or do we want to create??
To birth something new, something different, something better?
… To something that connects to all that we have desired.
I am intuitively suggesting to integrate the use of Black Obsidian & Moonstone in your New Moon Ritual - contact me for a customized Ritual based on the tools you have available.
Stay safe, be smart, & question everything.
For a FREE powerful meditation to consume fear ** NOT FOR BEGINNERS leave your email in the comments below or hit my contact button & request your copy, my gift to you during this time.
We are in this together.