Essential oils are such a great way to feel better - naturally!!! All oils have different purposes and uses. Lavender oil is one of my favorites, simple because of how many uses it has! (And it smells so good!) Personally I use Lavender Oil by ItWorks because of the high quality of it. A few drops goes a long way. (Put your email in at the end for info on my oil of the month club - New Oil each month + Uses & Recipes).

7 Uses for Lavender Oil I bet you never knew about!

  • First Aid: Drop lavender oil on a minor cut to clean the wound, stop bleeding, and even kill bacteria. 
  • Motion Sickness: Drop Lavender oil on the tip of your tongue, behind the ears or around your belly button to help eliminate motion sickness.
  • Chapped // Sunburn Skin or Lips: Drop Lavender oil on your skin or lips to renew & restore. Mix with a little bit of sugar to create a quick sugar scrub to remove dead skin.
  • Dandruff: Apply several drops directly on scalp. For sensitive skin, mix a 5-10 drops in with shampoo (depending on size of bottle.)    
  • Eczema: Mix several drops of Lavender oil with coconut oil and apply to the affected area. I used this on my son for when he was an infant!!!
  • Bug bites & Bee Stings: Put a drop of Lavender oil on a bee sting or insect bite to stop itching reduce swelling.
  • Food Flavor Booster!!!: Add a few drops to any recipe to enhance flavor. Great in salad dressings, flavored water, teas and even cookies and brownies.

Get your own oil, recipes and list of uses sent right to your home through my EXCLUSIVE oil of the month club! Just drop your email below!!!