Toddler Taming: 4 Quick Ways for Mom to Multitask

As a fellow mom, I know how hard it is to catch a break! Between cooking, cleaning and managing your little ones, sometimes it can seem impossible to get anything done. I’ve gathered up 4 quick and easy tips to help you get a few extra things done in your life this week & hopefully make more time for YOU. Enjoy!

Get **IT Done

Own a tablet or smartphone? Set your child up with a favorite show or educational program. Have no idea where to start? These are my favorite FREE go-to apps for my toddler. (Make sure your apps are age appropriate - as my son is 3.)
YouTube Kids

  • Nick Jr. (shows & more)
  • Disney Jr. (shows & more)
  • ABC Kids (letter tracing game)
  • Balloon Popping For Toddler HD

Have a notebook or blank paper? Awesome! Challenge your toddler to draw the shapes you call out. This is stimulating, full of bonding & learning. (Bonus if you add colors into it!!! Just be careful if your tot is the type to color furniture like mine is.)

Have an empty box? Turn it into a car, house, airplane ,etc. Imagination is so stimulating for little minds and keeps them busy for hours! Even more fun to have them decorate it.

Need to do laundry?! Let your toddler try to fold the “dirty” while you fold the clean! This lets them feel helpful and keeps them from wrecking the stacks of clean laundry you just folded

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