So - at this point, we know a few things…
Coronavirus / COVID-19 has drastically effected our entire planet.
As Americans, most of us have been staying home in accordance to our local orders to help #FlattenTheCurve & make a difference towards the spread of this disease.
We also know with this, many of us are losing our minds - some more than others.
We are finding it difficult to stay on task, difficult to manage work with no sitters or even working from home while teaching the kids [cuz oh yeah schools are closed too].
Meme’s are everywhere - especially my facebook page - if you need a good laugh check them out - and they get worse as the days go on…
Lysol, hand sanitizer, wipes & toilet paper are the hot commodities & should be treated as gold…
Some people STILL aren’t staying home…
Millions are struggling - but MANY are coming together to help eachother [PLEASE DO THIS MORE]…
Most places - including my town - deem liquor stores are essential…
&&& CLEARLY most of you have no idea what 6 feet out looks like!!!
Many of us have adjusted to a “new normal” and are reverting back to THINGS THAT WORK - which lead me to want to share more about JOURNALING. Right NOW more than ever is the best time to engage yourself in a habit of keeping a journal. Does this mean you have to write down all details of your everyday life? No, but if that speaks to you DO IT!!!
Journaling allows us to SPELL out our thoughts.
It can be a powerful healer, it can make someone’s day if shared, it can invoke love, & it can ease grief.
It can move you through any vibration and even help you to clear the heavy stuff!
THE KEY with journaling??
It takes roughly 21 days to form a habit.
One of my favorite ways to initiate a good journal session is doing a brain dump.
Literally getting everything on my mind out on paper regardless of it makes sense or not.
Voila! At least your thoughts are down SOMEWHERE.
THEN - you can start to move through them!!!
For those who would like a little more HELP with their journaling, guided prompts are insanely helpful to get the wheels turning! I even created one with over 100 prompts to move through things like self love, self identification, and even shadow work and gratitude - JUST because of the state the world is in!!! & it is MY GOAL to get it into the hands of AS MANY PEOPLE as I possibly can to serve one another & help us all take advantage + make the best of what is at hand. I am offering it to you with a donation of ANY amount - simply send a donation of any amount to
*** Make sure to leave your email in the notes - this is how I get you your copy!!! If you don’t want to do paypal, you can purchase a distance Reiki session or card reading of your choice from my site & I will send the journal in addition to the service.
If you wish to use this with your business, group, community, whole family, etc I ask that you share this with them or consider that in your donation.
I also have Venmo - @MalloryWebber
[again make sure you put your email in the comments]
If anyone needs deeper support, I am here for you through this time.
&& Remember - We heal the greatest
during the darkest times through love.