Mission: Mindfulness

Heading into the Hustle && Bustle;
Here’s your mission to maintain sanity:

β€” Mindfulness β€”

Mindfulness is a term as well as a practice we all can adopt and follow to help bring ourselves back to reality, re-ground && re-center to be able to focus on our tasks at hand.
Especially with the Holiday Season upon us, which usually brings about more stress than joy, this technique is beyond helpful & transformative when completed daily.

Simple Technique 1: Focusing On Your Breathing

You can complete this exercise sitting or standing, wherever you may be.
You will want to take a big, deep breath in & release it slowly for about 5-6 seconds.
You should breathe in through your nose & outward through your mouth.
Allow the breathing to become effortless.
Any thoughts that come to your head, acknowledge them but let them pass.
Maintain focus on your breath. In & out, slowly.

Simple Technique 2: Observation

Choose an object near you to focus on.
Look at this object as if you have never seen it before.
Take in all of its purpose, how it serves you or others.
Explore it visually, taking in every aspect of it, in a sense, becoming consumed by it.
Allow yourself to connect with it & to its energy.

Simple Technique 3: Having Space

Space allows us to feel freedom and ease within our soul.
Without that sense of freedom, how is it possible for us to be happy??
Don’t lose yourself in your work or the busy day to day or the hustle && bustle.
Practice letting go by reciting this phrase, sharing from an incredible book on mindfulness, Peace in Every Breath by Thich Nhat Hanh

Breathing in, I see myself as space. Breathing out, I feel free.

May these bring you peace && simplicity within your day to day.

If you enjoyed these techniques and are looking for more in-depth training,

I offer an amazing Mindfulness Certification program you can find within our Programs & Certifications section.