The Black New Moon Solar Eclipse

April’s Black New Moon is TOTAL VIBES

Energy has been peaking and things have been a bit wonky for a while.
We often turn to the skies to try to figure out what in the UNIVERSE is actually going on!?

April ends with a powerful solar eclipse where the moon and sun align within Taurus.
So what does this mean for you??

Well for one this is going to initiate patterns of self-worth.
Be prepared to look in the mirror and if circumstances in your life around you aren’t aligned for your highest sense of self, get ready for them to be shaken - not stirred!

The alignment in Taurus is also going to force an eye on materialism and our physical environments.
If you’ve been in a space of complacency or stagnant energy, this eclipse is going to rock your world!

Keep reading to learn more…

So like, what is really going on here?

If you don’t follow the lunar cycle, I highly encourage it and can teach you all the things (just reach out) but, the timing in the cycle is actually what has caused several new moons to straddle the line between one month and the next… when we have two FULL moons, this is known as a “Blue Moon”, so when it happens with a NEW moon, we then get the “Black Moon”. It is actually relatively rare - but it really doesn’t change the astrologic meaning - it just gives us that extra change to connect with the new moon vibes before we hit a new month! It being paired with an ECLIPSE, however, absolutely does impact things!

in astrology, Eclipses are known to bring dramatic amounts of change and truly forcing things to shake up in our lives and realign us with our truest destinies. Because of it occurring with a new moon - we have this potential for new things to come into fruition in our lives at an intense rate - doors of opportunity literally being blown open without warning - and on the flipside, old doors that needed to be shut a long time ago forcing closed SO THERE IS ROOM FOR THE NEW.

{if you find yourself eager about new opportunities - I highly encourage checking this call out that I did the other day!! Creating Impact Through Wellness}

Some crystals you can lean on during this time are Sunstone - seriously one of my must haves for Solar Activities - it can nourish and breathe life into you - & Carnelian - as it helps to trigger the creative powers of procreation.

If you find yourself needing some additional support through these transitions, I highly encourage taking some time to reflect for yourself. Journal around your own worth, your surroundings, and ultimately your desires. If you need more assistance, I am available for Reiki sessions, private readings, Human Design insight, or a unique package that serves you best. Simply reach out to me through the contact, find me on Facebook or IG, or purchase whatever service you are looking for.

Loved reading this? Your comments are always appreciated & please consider sharing with someone who may want to know all of what is happening astrologically!

What Is Embodiment And Why Focus On It?

What is Embodiment & Why Focus on it?

If you break down embodiment into the basic definition, as found on google, it is described as a noun that is “a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling”. Sounds pretty expansive right? You bet ya! You can embody anything as long as it can offer that tangible nature.

So why am I sharing about it? - Embodiment is essential. It involves taking an idea, quality, or feeling into something you can see - something OTHERS can see… & if you know anything about me, I am all about the IMPACT of others. I’m sharing about embodiment because with the New Year here we often make new goals, new resolutions, implement changes in our lives, etc.

I want you to learn this word because I want you to consider how you can EMBODY these positive things in your life in a way that can impact others.

I’d love to hear from you - what sort of things you try to embody on a daily basis & what you are wanting to embody this year - leave me a comment!

& PS: If you’re loving all things embodiment - I’m inviting you to listen to my NEW PODCAST! Click the photo below or RIGHT HERE

New Moon in Taurus - April 2020

First and foremost - for all you moon lovers seeking all the things.

I read an article earlier on this specific New Moon holding Tragedy.
Maybe you’ve seen it. Hopefully not.

#SorryNotSorry but this is TRASH.
The world needs honesty spread with love & service -
not a depressing aspect to add to a depressing time.
So if you want truth meets tangible intention
to ignite the flame within to dispel this fear,
keep following along.

New Moon in Taurus peaks at 9:25pm CST 4/22/2020.

What we really see here is the opportunity for enhancing our futures.

Everything about this New Moon is YOU making the space for the desires you hold & forcing yourself to look both in your outward scope as well as inward.

We are literally being FORCED by this Pandemic to stay home, question our values & morals, combined now with the energy of this New Moon, now to THINK about what we desire,
which breeds creation - which we need more of to heal
& come out stronger!!!

[umm, creation = the OPPOSITE of destruction]

This darkness that is brought by the New Moon serves to draw us within. We are being asked to fantasize about where we wish to be, but also to face within and make friends with our shadows too.

Sitting with your shadows is all about acknowledging your deepest fears, darkest thoughts & most intense, potentially “negative” realizations. It is acknowledging what is the root of your fear or anxiety.
[…… Healing fear, another aspect of shifting this chaos]

So as you read this, I hope you ask yourself -

Am I happy with my surroundings?

Am I living my potential?

Am I serving my purpose?

Am I giving myself my best?

What am I capable of?

What am I really afraid of here?
Rip your fears straight to the surface - this can be painful - but is beyond worth the transmutation of energy & beauty in the exposed.
From this you can remove their grip.

Am I proud of the morals I know to be true?

What changes am I ready to make?

What am I leaving behind to make room for my best self & best life?

Hold onto this vision of you in your best life.
Breathe it in. Feel it. Taste it. Experience it in your mind’s eye.
Hold that vibration & put that out to the Universe -
watch how fast it comes back.

Just like the Moon goes through its own phases,
we all ebb and flow through cycles of change.

Uranus, the planet of change is very active under this New Moon. Uranus likes to awaken us, but its presence, especially to the unaware, can also feel daunting and chaotic. Uranus, tearing things down & destructing to make way for new… but we also have Saturn active too. If Uranus is about shaking things up, Saturn is about keeping things the same and honoring tradition, which may give you this pull of wishing things would just go back to the way they were. These opposite energies are potentially going to stir this duality within us, but we may also see it playing out on the grand stage of the World.

So here comes your next question:
Do we want to go back or do we want to create??
To birth something new, something different, something better?
… To something that connects to all that we have desired.

I am intuitively suggesting to integrate the use of Black Obsidian & Moonstone in your New Moon Ritual - contact me for a customized Ritual based on the tools you have available.

Stay safe, be smart, & question everything.

For a FREE powerful meditation to consume fear ** NOT FOR BEGINNERS leave your email in the comments below or hit my contact button & request your copy, my gift to you during this time.

We are in this together.

Ishtar // Truths Revealed

Ishtar // Truths Revealed

The stories, the lineage, & practices for modern use.

Contrary to common beliefs, many spirituals think that Easter is specifically named after Ishtar. This alone diminishes the honor that Ishtar deserves, so here I am, holding her divinity in high regard, to teach the truth behind her.

Ishtar is the great mother Goddess of ancient Assyrian and Babylonian mythology, but as we continue you will see how she can connect lineage throughout history. She is goddess over fertility, war, sex & protection against evil. She was also revered as goddess of fate, childbirth, marriage, and storms.

Ishtar, said to be the daughter of the sky god, Anu, or the moon god, Sin, absorbed characteristics of other goddesses. Worship of her spread rapidly throughout the middle East, Greece and Egypt. I personally connect with her through my work with Ancient Egyptian practices & magick.

She was a known & powerful oracle. As the Opener of the Womb, she was the giver of all life; as the Destroyer and Queen of the Underworld, she also was the taker of all life. As her role of goddess of the moon, her waxing & waning ruled the cyclical birth and death of the planet.

Her son, Tammuz, became her lover upon his reaching manhood. Ishtar descended to the realm of the dead to rescue Tammuz. Here is where the lineage comes into play - as this is held as a myth that is nearly identical to an earlier Sumerian myth of Inanna and Damuzi. You can also find it similar to the myth of Demeter and Kore. When Ishtar descended into the realm of the dead, both fertility and sexual desire went dormant, awaiting her seasonal return.

Ishtar entered the cave that leads into the Underworld. The Underworld was surrounded by seven walls, each with its own gate that had to be passed to get to where the dead reside. At each gate Ishtar was required to give up one of Her possessions: 

At the First Gate, She gave up Her crown.

At the Second Gate, She gave up Her necklace, the eight pointed star.

At the Third Gate, She gave up Her golden bracelets.

At the Fourth Gate, She gave up Her shoes.

At the Fifth Gate, She gave up Her veil.

At the Sixth Gate, She gave up Her outer robe.

At the Seventh Gate, She gave up Her dress.

Ishtar entered the Underworld naked and powerless, Her love for Tammuz and Her previous life was forgotten and She was covered in feathers and dust.  The light of the world was completely gone, and Ishtar was in darkness.

As soon as Ishtar entered the Underworld, life on Earth changed. Love and desire, birdsong, animal procreation and love-making between husbands and wives stopped, and the Gods were unhappy.  The Great God Ea created a creature that was fearless and sent it to the Underworld to rescue Ishtar. The Goddess was returned to Earth and was even stronger than before.

As Queen of Heaven, Ishtar replaced Sin as the moon deity; she rode through the sky at night in a chariot drawn by goats or lions. The Zodiac was known as the “girdle of Ishtar,” which also refers to the ancient moon calendar. She was the giver of omens and prophecy through dreams, and through her magic, others could obtain secret knowledge.

If you follow these stories closely starting with the Sumerian Goddess Inanna, which is at least 4300 years old, you can see a connection & parallel between the ancient, sexual ceremonies of sacred marriage - suggesting the lineage from Sumerian Goddess Inanna, to Ishtar (in Assyria) and Isis (in Egypt).
[to save you some reading Inanna was the great granddaughter of the gods An and Ki]

The other versions of this story between Isis, Horus and Osiris. & in Ancient Greece, in the story of Persephone and Demeter (mother and daughter), complete with the same ending and partial resurrection.

So how can I work with Ishtar? & what can she aid with?

Call on the Goddess Ishtar to guide you in your personal journey to understand and assimilate your Shadow Self.  She will support you with Her radiance and give you the courage to face down your hidden demons. She will help you to strip away the veils of illusion so that you may see the truth and allow the light to enter.

When working with Ishtar, it is important to know she is associated with the planet Venus. Her symbols are all symbols of immense power - the lion, the morning star, and eight or sixteen pointed stars.

To honor Ishtar give Her offerings of food and drink, make love - channeling the cosmic energy in her divinity, sing joyful songs & surround yourself with beauty. If you have moon or star jewelry, wear it in honor of Ishtar.  Wear your loveliest clothes; apply make-up and perfumes to align yourself with the Goddess.  Another simple yet powerful practice is to meditate on the aspects of Ishtar.

If you are looking for deeper work with her you can find detailed rituals, spellwork & practices within my goddess grimoire or within advanced private training with me. For more information on either leave me a comment below, or you can find the grimoire in my shop.

Super Pink Full Moon - April 2020

As if we aren’t already in our feels…..
here comes a Super Pink Full Moon in Libra.

We get the brightest shine from this beautiful moon on April 7th.
With this she is bringing our closest relationships & partnerships to the forefront of our heart.

A Supermoon happens when the Moon comes closer to the Earth, obviously increasing the size in our night sky, but it also brings our emotions to the surface, making us feel more sensitive & tender.
The Full Moon aspect casts us inward to look deeper at our personal truths.
Full Moons can bring about a time of change with this new found insight.

Now… let’s look at the dichotomy between the Aries Sun & Libra Moon.

The Supermoon is going to spark a sense of battle if you will between the self & the other [Aries & Libra], forcing compromise & clarity in relationships [be mindful this is not always romantic relationships] - but don’t worry just yet - it will all be with little drama & the theme of reconciliation of the past. Most of us will have these mini meltdowns, struggling with the intensity of the cosmic energy, & after all there is so much going on in the world right now. THE KEY??? Choose love!!! Refrain from arguments & use the energy to fuel creations & bring life into your passions.

The moon will arrive at its closest point to Earth in 2020: a distance of 221,772 miles (356,907 kilometers) away at Tuesday (April 7) at 2:08 p.m. EDT (1808 GMT) - just 8 hours and 35 minutes later, the moon will officially turn full.

Have some fun with this moon!!!

Here’s a few things you can enjoy:

Get your pink crystals out & set up a grid to honor the moon + bring more love & harmony.

Burn a pink candle with intentions of drawing in the energy the moon has to offer.

Write letters to the self & the other. Love on them both.

Book a distance Reiki session or have your cards read [insight is always helpful].

Love on those closest to you. Write them a thank you letter, do something special they would appreciate, let them know how much you care for them.

Why the World Needs Journaling // Catalytic Journal Download

So - at this point, we know a few things…

Coronavirus / COVID-19 has drastically effected our entire planet.
As Americans, most of us have been staying home in accordance to our local orders to help #FlattenTheCurve & make a difference towards the spread of this disease.

We also know with this, many of us are losing our minds - some more than others.
We are finding it difficult to stay on task, difficult to manage work with no sitters or even working from home while teaching the kids [cuz oh yeah schools are closed too].


Meme’s are everywhere - especially my facebook page - if you need a good laugh check them out - and they get worse as the days go on…

Lysol, hand sanitizer, wipes & toilet paper are the hot commodities & should be treated as gold…

Some people STILL aren’t staying home…

Millions are struggling - but MANY are coming together to help eachother [PLEASE DO THIS MORE]…

Most places - including my town - deem liquor stores are essential…

&&& CLEARLY most of you have no idea what 6 feet out looks like!!!

Many of us have adjusted to a “new normal” and are reverting back to THINGS THAT WORK - which lead me to want to share more about JOURNALING. Right NOW more than ever is the best time to engage yourself in a habit of keeping a journal. Does this mean you have to write down all details of your everyday life? No, but if that speaks to you DO IT!!!

Journaling allows us to SPELL out our thoughts.

It can be a powerful healer, it can make someone’s day if shared, it can invoke love, & it can ease grief.

It can move you through any vibration and even help you to clear the heavy stuff!

THE KEY with journaling??

It takes roughly 21 days to form a habit.

One of my favorite ways to initiate a good journal session is doing a brain dump.
Literally getting everything on my mind out on paper regardless of it makes sense or not.
Voila! At least your thoughts are down SOMEWHERE.
THEN - you can start to move through them!!!

For those who would like a little more HELP with their journaling, guided prompts are insanely helpful to get the wheels turning! I even created one with over 100 prompts to move through things like self love, self identification, and even shadow work and gratitude - JUST because of the state the world is in!!! & it is MY GOAL to get it into the hands of AS MANY PEOPLE as I possibly can to serve one another & help us all take advantage + make the best of what is at hand. I am offering it to you with a donation of ANY amount - simply send a donation of any amount to

*** Make sure to leave your email in the notes - this is how I get you your copy!!! If you don’t want to do paypal, you can purchase a distance Reiki session or card reading of your choice from my site & I will send the journal in addition to the service.

If you wish to use this with your business, group, community, whole family, etc I ask that you share this with them or consider that in your donation.

I also have Venmo - @MalloryWebber
[again make sure you put your email in the comments]

If anyone needs deeper support, I am here for you through this time.

&& Remember - We heal the greatest
during the darkest times through love.


So you've felt that big shift of energy

[and clearly everyone else has too…]

So what the heck is going on?!

July 16th holds incredible energy. 😍

We have a Lunar Eclipse + a TON OF RETROGRADES.

So typically, during a Full Moon 🌕 , you experience it at its brightest. But… during a lunar eclipse mama Earth passes between the Sun & Moon which engulfs the Moon in shadow. What WE actually see here on Earth, a dark red color called an Umbra. Because of this color they’re often referred to as a Blood Moon.

Ok so what does this have to do with energy?

Eclipses trigger these karmic points which fuel major events that shift us & essentially make sure we’re properly positioned on our karmic pathway. So get this… if you were weighing a big decision or two like changing best friends, asking a partner to marry you soon, on the flip side - ending a toxic relationship, or leaving a job in a few months, eclipses will make sure that shit happens NOW. 😳

This is sheerly because eclipses are far from subtle. They’re that drama filled basic bitch hat gets all up in your business. Get ready for new doors open by slamming others shut. We’re talking bridges burned 🔥 & built overnight… so if you’ve been waiting for a catalyst, it’s here. Remember [once you’ve grounded & gotten clear] that it's in your best interest to take action! So, get ready to move forward full speed ahead if you’ve been dragging your feet.

so baby what are you waiting for?

make your move 💋

Mama Said

Mama. I see you. ✨

I'm holding space for you.

You're tired.
You're stressed.

The house makes you anxious, because there's not enough hours in the day to do it all.

You're feeling lonely.

Friends? What are those?
You time? That's a thing???

You give so much to everyone, while asking for so little in return - if you get far enough to ask. Your meals are almost always cold because you're making sure everyone else's is hot.

You're getting such little sleep & still taking on the world with a smile. Because Mama, you're super woman. 

You feel like no one else sees what you put in. You feel like no one appreciates but everyone seems to notice when you stop. You have everyone else in the house's problems on your shoulders - so when is there time or energy for your own??? 😩 I know some days are harder than others. I know some days you pretend you're okay, praying for the tools to get you through. I know you feel investing in yourself or treating yourself doesn't hold value - that the money could be better spent elsewhere.

& the laundry. OMG the laundry.

Mama, I see you...

Mama, I say...

Take some time for you. However you have to.
Appreciate your own damn self - you're amazing 💖- even if no one tells you.

Mama, I say...

Make yourself a hot meal, at least once a week. You deserve a good meal just as much.
( OH & who needs clothes 🤷‍♀️😂 )

Mama, I say... 

You're valued. Even when you feel you're not.
Someone is holding space for you.
Even if that's only me. 🥰

Mama, I say...

Invest away. You can't pour from an empty cup. Your investment will return its weight in gold - simply by lifting your spirits.

Mama, I say...

You ARE enough - even if you're made to feel like you're not. Your feelings matter too - so keep sharing them. 




SO we can hold space for HER too.

💞 Mama said.

Love for all the mamas out there killin' it

Inspired by my mama friends, this bomb 💣 hat from Motto + Fleur (click the pic to grab their link - let them know I sent ya!), & of course true, real, & raw mama life.

5 Ways to Maximize the Full Moon

Full Moons are FULL of


Which is why it is CRUCIAL to maximize this energy.

Here’s 5 ways I love to harness the power.

GOT CRYSTALS??? Charge them UP!
Charging crystals is a super simple practice.
I suggest cleansing them with sage or Reiki prior,
but the energy of the moon will cleanse them as well.
You set your intentions of harnessing the power of the full moon
literally while setting them outside to soak up the moon (just like sun-bathing!)
Just be careful as some stones can be ruined outside (getting wet in the event of rain).

BONUS: You can even do this with essential oils!!!
Follow me on Facebook for a chance to grab one of my exclusive blends.

JOURNAL. Dig fearlessly deep.
Full moons are great for acknowledgement & clarity.
Use both to your advantage.

EXPERIENCE AN ENERGY SESSION. Reiki + Full Moon = Unique Frequencies.
Book an in person or distance Reiki session!
The frequencies from Reiki & the Master or Practitioner channeling + the energy from the Full Moon combined can really amplify the healing & transformations.
(I offer some extremely powerful lunar work)

One of my favorites is putting regular water in a jar & charging it in the moon.
You’re changing the intentions & when you drink it will be revitalized with the moon!

Because psychic abilities are heightened at this time,
it is often easier to identify cords tied to your etheric body.
Release them with love & strength of the moon.

Enjoy the Full Moon & ALWAYS finish any ritual or practice with gratitude.

Want to learn more about the phases & follow the moons with me?
Download my 2019 Lunar Calendar FREE when you subscribe.

Read more

Connect to Your Highest Self: 4 Crystals to Help


One of my favorite ways to access my highest self vibration is with crystals!

Here are 4 of my favorite highest self crystals and why! 👇


•Lessens self defeating behaviors and builds self esteem. In turn builds confidence as well.

•Helps you to understand yourself, embrace your inner truth and express it effectively.

(ESPECIALLY in difficult situations)

•Promotes self expression through creativity- get in touch with your inner Creative... it can help in areas like writing, drawing, painting, acting, and singing.


•Stone of self esteem, self confidence, self expression and individuality. Gives you the confidence to be the best damn you there's ever been, embracing your differences & uniqueness.

•Inspires emotional clarity, relieves self doubt

•Helps eliminate the fear of being judged or criticized by others.

•Enhances & amplifies manifestations.


•Used for self discovery, awakening inner awareness, intuition and spirit.

•Encourages contemplation, introspection and clarity,

•Helps to release fear-based insecurities.

•Strengthens faith in and reliance on yourself and the universe, bringing inner peace.

This stone is said to urge you to take hold of your freedom.


•Posesses an unusual vibration that encourages divine connection with the deep innermost part of yourself.

•Helps you to recognize the divinity within your own self, helping you to feel a spiritual sense of love, acceptance and trust.

Only after learning to be true to yourself is it possible to free yourself & unlock all that is Divine within you.💓

[For those who have never been fine tuned to their Higher Self Matrix or are needing to speed up the process, I strongly suggest a distance Reiki session, as they often serve as catalysts from the profound clarity they offer or advanced DNA activation series. Both can be found in my services. If you have questions on either or learning what your Higher Self Matrix even is, drop a comment below. ]

8 Reasons You Need to Learn Reiki For Your Life + Your Biz

Reiki, for those who may not know is energy healing. It is provided by the Universal Life Force, not an entity or diety, so it is able to be practiced by any religion! (Want a more in depth explanation catch my last blog.)

In order to work with Reiki, one needs to be attuned by a Reiki Master. ✨ (This is kind of like when you calibrate your GPS -- it fine tunes the individual for the energy.)

 SO why would YOU want to be trained in energy healing??? 

My response is why wouldn't you!? 

NO REALLY...... it's that amazing... 

But just for the person who needs concrete reasons -- I've come up with 8 top reasons you NEED it for your life + your _ (with the rise in entrepreneurship, many of you reading this have your own businesses.) 

Read more

What is Reiki? An Explanation Everyone Can Understand

What is Reiki.jpg

LET’S GET THIS STRAIGHT: Reiki is for everyone.


You’ve heard this term Reiki thrown around.
It came up during your bomb session in hot yoga,
you hear it in your spiritual groups,
& with Reiki becoming so common - It’s important to really understand what it is.

Reiki is energy work.
As it is energy, it can transcend time & space.

It is energy from the Universal Life Force -

NOT the practitioner’s own energy.

OK — SO…. What does it do?

my favorite answer to that is what DOESN’T it do?

Reiki heals spiritually, emotionally, physically & mentally.
Since it transcends time & space it can be channeled anywhere for anyone

(as long as they are wanting to receive)

OH YEAH — we said TIME too right??

Reiki can be channeled past, present or future to heal specific events.

It can be used to amplify, charge or cleanse crystals.
Struggling with addiction issues?? It helps with that too.
Manifesting something big? - Better believe it will enhance & amplify your results.
Need quick relief from anxiety?? A quick sesh changes everything!
Amplifying your food’s nutrients?? SAYYYY WHAT? (YEA it can do that too)
THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS — because Reiki can do no harm & is intention based.


Reiki is most commonly known for chakra work.
(Chakras are your energy centers - if unbalanced can lead to physical, mental, or emotional issues.)

Reiki is beyond transforming, and the best part is it doesn’t take much!!!

Very simply…

Anyone can receive it. Anyone can do it (with the right training).
For anything. Anywhere. Anytime.

If you want to understand Reiki further

reach out to me & we can book a 1:1 chat!
Or click the button below to grab the guide.

If you have other questions about Reiki I would LOVE to hear from you! Drop me a comment.

Mission: Mindfulness

Heading into the Hustle && Bustle;
Here’s your mission to maintain sanity:

— Mindfulness —

Mindfulness is a term as well as a practice we all can adopt and follow to help bring ourselves back to reality, re-ground && re-center to be able to focus on our tasks at hand.
Especially with the Holiday Season upon us, which usually brings about more stress than joy, this technique is beyond helpful & transformative when completed daily.

Simple Technique 1: Focusing On Your Breathing

You can complete this exercise sitting or standing, wherever you may be.
You will want to take a big, deep breath in & release it slowly for about 5-6 seconds.
You should breathe in through your nose & outward through your mouth.
Allow the breathing to become effortless.
Any thoughts that come to your head, acknowledge them but let them pass.
Maintain focus on your breath. In & out, slowly.

Simple Technique 2: Observation

Choose an object near you to focus on.
Look at this object as if you have never seen it before.
Take in all of its purpose, how it serves you or others.
Explore it visually, taking in every aspect of it, in a sense, becoming consumed by it.
Allow yourself to connect with it & to its energy.

Simple Technique 3: Having Space

Space allows us to feel freedom and ease within our soul.
Without that sense of freedom, how is it possible for us to be happy??
Don’t lose yourself in your work or the busy day to day or the hustle && bustle.
Practice letting go by reciting this phrase, sharing from an incredible book on mindfulness, Peace in Every Breath by Thich Nhat Hanh

Breathing in, I see myself as space. Breathing out, I feel free.

May these bring you peace && simplicity within your day to day.

If you enjoyed these techniques and are looking for more in-depth training,

I offer an amazing Mindfulness Certification program you can find within our Programs & Certifications section.

What on Earth is Reiki ???


You may have heard this word Reiki thrown around a lot lately -- A LOT on my personal page if you follow me, & especially in respect to healing with all of the mega energetic shifts we have been experiencing -- && like the one about to happen with Mercury's Retrograde starting DURING the full moon!!! && if you are big into holistic healing you WILL want to hear about it if you haven't been !

You may even hear it & find yourself drawn to it -- but have no idea what it is, no idea where to even start finding out about it -- or even how to get it or begin practicing it.


WHAT is it?

Reiki is energy from the universal life force --

it is channeled by a Reiki practitioner or master & drawn in by the recipient. 

It heals physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually.

It is a non-deity based modality so many can receive the benefits of it.

SINCE it is energy -- it can transcend time & space, meaning it can be channeled to a person, place or thing in the past, present, or future, REGARDLESS of time or distance.

What does it HELP with?

Reiki can help with an immense amount of things. It is primarily used to balance your chakras. (7 points in your body that if unbalanced cause physical, mental & emotional issues)

Reiki can (BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO) be used to aid in healing physically, help with resolving addictions, uplift your vibration, relax, energize, balance, bring clarity, increase nourishment in foods, help to find items, answer important questions, clear negative energy in spaces, heal emotional or mental issues, & so much more.

SOUNDS AWESOME -- How do I get some / How can I work with Reiki?

In order to work with Reiki one needs to receive the attunements for the different levels. There are three levels to working with Reiki -- Level 1 works on yourself & others physically in person. Level 2 works on yourself & others using the symbols taught for distance Reiki (transcending time & space). Level 3 is where someone becomes a Reiki master & learns how to attune others. If you wish you experience Reiki healing -- You can head to my shop and book a distance session with me OR find another healer you connect with. I am a Master & Teacher trained in Usui Ryoho Reiki as well as animal Reiki & crystal Reiki. If you wish to work with this modality I offer a fully certified (allowing you to work in health centers, etc) at your own pace program in all levels & even animal Reiki or crystal Reiki -- you can find this under programs & certifications, xoxo.


Reiki has changed my life completely -- it has given me so much healing -- brought so many people into my life -- transformed my career -- given me so much purpose -- 

&& has aided IMMENSELY in my manifestations!

I encourage everyone to try it.

You can comment below for more info or email me at

Raise Your Vibration in 4 Simple Ways #HolidayHack


No matter how "high vibe" or positive we try to stay throughout the hustle & bustle our vibration tends to lower & we can get a little "crabby" if you will --

&& anyone who says the holidays aren't stressful clearly isn't HUMAN.

So just for you -- I'm dishing out FOUR of my best tricks I do REGULARLY to lift myself back up -- in hopes to help melt a little of that holiday hectic away, xoxo.


  1. MEDITATE >> I am so serious when I say I am HEAVILY meditated. I meditate in the shower, in the bath tub, when I am doing the dishes, BUT THE BEST is when I intentionally focus hard on a specific vibration I am trying to hold && that is what you are going to do. If you have never meditated before IT IS OKAY -- it may feel a little weird to you -- the silence & stillness to some can be unbearable for long periods -- so if you are just beginning try it out for 7-10 minutes or so. THERE IS NO WRONG WAY TO MEDITATE. Simply sit or lay in a quite space -- eyes closed to reduce distractions -- & just focus on your breathing. -- && If you are feeling adventurous you can grab a one on one guided meditation appointment with me. << YOU WILL FIND YOURSELF CENTERED & REFRESHED. Repeat as often as necessary. 
  2. PRACTICE GRATITUDE >> The more you practice it the more natural it will become && the more you will realize how small some things are in the grand scheme of life. Be grateful for the phone in your hands as you read this. For the roof over your head. If you are out somewhere -- be grateful for the vehicle that got you there -- be thankful for the air you are breathing -- the light you are seeing -- whatever attracts your slightest attention -- focus in on it && truly appreciate its value at all levels. It will lead you to appreciating even more.
  3. AROMATHERAPY >> Seriously there are so many different scents for different vibes. If you want to raise yourself -- spray your favorite perfume to help remind you of some fun memories you have had while wearing it -- burn your favorite incense as you meditate (I have different favorites for different moods -- currently obsessed with Auroshika Orange Blossom cones for a little oomph of energy & zing -- snaggable in my shop)
  4. DRINK WATER >> As humans we don't value water enough. Our bodies are made up mostly of it -- therefore -- IT IS ESSENTIAL -- Increase your daily water intake & watch a huge shift in not only your mood, but also your energy & even your weight.



Here is some kitten therapy XOXO

-- so much love && light --

rick and mory.jpg

Confessions of a #BusyMom #BossBabe

So I'm going to be so totally raw right now.

I can honestly say I have been so far off my game lately.


To be honest I don't even know how to get back into this - so I've rationalized that confessing would be the best route. I guess this is mostly for me to get off my chest, and to help show you all that I am human. I go through stuff just like the rest of you.

I broke away from something I loved deeply - writing my blogs and really connecting // serving my tribe. The time off was all for good purpose. You see, you can't pour into others until you've poured into yourself. And that's what I have been doing the past few months (while in absence from my blog and most interaction on Instagram).


I've made incredibly bold, scary, and challenging decisions that have really forced me to look inward toward what I want from life, what makes me happy, and who I want to connect with. I feel beyond refreshed, completely clear and level headed and ready to rock this!

(And I'm hoping this will lead to amazing content for you readers!)

I made the decision to leave my son's father, the man who had been my constant over the last near eight years. Someone I wanted to spend my life with. Someone I gave literally my all to. Someone I changed for. Someone I sacrificed so much for. Someone I thought I was growing with, yet I finally realized we were growing further and further apart. The choice was hard to make, something like that never is easy when you truly love someone. After doing some intense soul searching and making several positive changes in my life, it ended up awakening me to the pain I was putting myself through each day by trying to hold on.

Letting go is a challenging and scary thing to do. We all get to a certain level of comfort and a lot of times things are just easier "sucking up" versus perusing how you truly feel. I'm learning it is okay for people to take longer to grow spiritually, emotionally and mentally. I am also learning it is okay for you to distance yourself from those people who are not on your level (or near it) because you have every right to be around those who can relate & support you - people who will help you LEVEL UP.

Diving into the world of single motherhood is a scary thing... all that talk of child support, figuring all the visitation, and of course all the questions from everyone - on top of how you already feel going through something like that - and now being the only one paying the bills...

All at the same time of going through this I randomly [I say random, but this is straight how the universe works] connect with an amazing guy through a fellow #BossBabe & business partner. Our connection right of the bat was so powerful there was so much telling me to just give it a shot. Here the universe gives me literally everything I had been searching for in a partner. Someone to challenge me to be a better me. Someone to love me for me. Someone to grow with me on a spiritual level. We've been doing this our way & I couldn't be happier & more excited for the future.

The most important things I've learned over this time are these four simple things to accept:

1. You can't control timing (nor do you need to explain it to anyone) - know it is all in the way the universe plays out. There is no such thing as coincidence.

2. You can't live a life being something other than yourself - if you are QUIT. You will drown in feelings of regret, disappointment, and other negativity. The universe will give you people to love you for who you are if you trust it.

3. You can't ever give up - no matter how bad you feel, how scared you are, how tough things are, how tired you are, how much you want to quit and walk away from it all, you can NOT give up. You are meant to reach your ultimate potential.

4. Put yourself first once in a while IT IS OKAY!!! - as a fellow mom, I understand, you're accustomed to putting EVERYONE else before yourself. It feels uncomfortable at first, but do it a few times and you'll feel like a brand new person.

You can't be your best you if you don't put yourself first once in a while.


I hope some of this explains a little of what I've been dealing with and where I am at spiritually. I am really sorry for the absence and I'm really excited for the things I'll be bringing you in the future!!! (& if you're loving all this and want to follow more of my story and get to know me on a personal level please subscribe & feel free to connect with me on facebook!)

Level Up Your Soul

Ever get that feeling that your soul needs more? As humans we pour so much into others - sometimes we drain ourselves. 



+ Surround yourself with positive, uplifting & supportive people. 💓 

+ Let go of things you cannot control. 

+   On the flipside,  TAKE control of the things you can. 

+ Do something you love. 

+ Disconnect from situations // people that bring you down. 

+  Train yourself to see endless possibilities.  

+ Listen to instrumentals, binaural beats, and other uplifting media. 

+ Ground yourself.  Go outside barefoot & feel the Earth beneath you. Become one with nature. Breathe in & out slowly. Relax. 

+ Open your mind to the blessings & signals of the universe.

+ Show the ones you care for how much they mean to you.   Simple nothings. Notes. Phone calls. Messages. Surprise them something you know they'll love - simply because.


Love the content? SUBSCRIBE to my blog to see more 😍

5 Ways To Fit In Breakfast


It is easier than you think to fit in breakfast!

Here's 5 quick tips to help you take advantage of the most important meal of the day :

1. PREP what you can the night before (ex: banana, granola bar, apple 🍎, pick out your cereal & bowl, etc.) Saves you time & the chance you'll skip out since you know what you're going to eat.

2. K.I.S.S. it // when you're short on time, don't try to make an elaborate breakfast! You'll end up stressing yourself out 😧 Keep It Short & Simple!!! Don't over complicate your meal! Wheat toast with jelly anyone?? Fresh fruit??? English muffin with avocado????

3. Protein Please // A protein packed breakfast will keep you fuller longer & is easy to do! Try out different recipies including lean meats (I love simple baked chicken 🐔 pieces), eggs, cheese, milk & yogurt. Or if you're short on time mix up a protein shake & amp it up with some milk, yogurt fresh fruit & nuts (I LOVE 💘 ItWorks ProFit Vanilla - it doesn't have that chalky taste & is only 100 calories, 13g of Protein & the least amount of sugars I've seen in a protein! You can find it in my shop!)

4. Meal Prep // there are tons of easy crockpot recipes that will last you the whole work-week on Pinterest 😍 my favorite is overnight oats with strawberries, cranberries & mandarin oranges. You cook it on low while you sleep & Voila! 💗

5. Take it on the go // if you're THAT short on time, bring your breakfast with you. That quick protein shake or yogurt may be simple but it will do your body wonders.

Your body requires fuel to get through the day.

By eating breakfast you give yourself vitamins, minerals & calories for energy, can boost your immune system, kickstart your metabolism, & even feel fuller through lunchtime! Studies even show by skipping breakfast you may be eating more calories throughout the day than if you had eaten it. SO FUEL UP!

Share with a friend who needs this!!! 


Essential oils are such a great way to feel better - naturally!!! All oils have different purposes and uses. Lavender oil is one of my favorites, simple because of how many uses it has! (And it smells so good!) Personally I use Lavender Oil by ItWorks because of the high quality of it. A few drops goes a long way. (Put your email in at the end for info on my oil of the month club - New Oil each month + Uses & Recipes).

7 Uses for Lavender Oil I bet you never knew about!

  • First Aid: Drop lavender oil on a minor cut to clean the wound, stop bleeding, and even kill bacteria. 
  • Motion Sickness: Drop Lavender oil on the tip of your tongue, behind the ears or around your belly button to help eliminate motion sickness.
  • Chapped // Sunburn Skin or Lips: Drop Lavender oil on your skin or lips to renew & restore. Mix with a little bit of sugar to create a quick sugar scrub to remove dead skin.
  • Dandruff: Apply several drops directly on scalp. For sensitive skin, mix a 5-10 drops in with shampoo (depending on size of bottle.)    
  • Eczema: Mix several drops of Lavender oil with coconut oil and apply to the affected area. I used this on my son for when he was an infant!!!
  • Bug bites & Bee Stings: Put a drop of Lavender oil on a bee sting or insect bite to stop itching reduce swelling.
  • Food Flavor Booster!!!: Add a few drops to any recipe to enhance flavor. Great in salad dressings, flavored water, teas and even cookies and brownies.

Get your own oil, recipes and list of uses sent right to your home through my EXCLUSIVE oil of the month club! Just drop your email below!!!